I'm currently watching the two episodes of the show HEAVY on A&E.
I was watching the first episode, where they spend a month at a health resort with a personal trainer. One half of the pair, Jodi, complained through every work out session, then cry that she didn't want to fail.
I was thinking, "You are exaclty where I want to me, I WISH I had a personal trainer. I could rock so hard if I had a personal trainer behind me, cheering me on. Pushing me.
That is part of why I wanted to start this blog....
I can't afford a personal trainer. I can't afford a gym membership. Heck, I can't even afford fresh fruits and veggies, just sodium packed processed foods.
Of course, its going to be hard for anyone, everyone, trying to lose 100+ pounds.
My husband asked if I wanted him to be my personal trainer. I told him no. I said he's not personal trainer material. His idea of "helping" is to point out that I'm eating too much, no matter what I'm eating.
Example, this morning I had toast for breakfast, and skipped lunch. We walked 2.5 miles around the park and I said I was hungry as I hadn't had lunch. He said, "What was that huge thing you ate before we left? Wasn't that lunch?"
Toast is a huge thing? Its one slice of bread!

Yep, that sucker is HUGE.
I need a support system, not a person putting me down all the time.

I was watching the first episode, where they spend a month at a health resort with a personal trainer. One half of the pair, Jodi, complained through every work out session, then cry that she didn't want to fail.
I was thinking, "You are exaclty where I want to me, I WISH I had a personal trainer. I could rock so hard if I had a personal trainer behind me, cheering me on. Pushing me.
That is part of why I wanted to start this blog....
I can't afford a personal trainer. I can't afford a gym membership. Heck, I can't even afford fresh fruits and veggies, just sodium packed processed foods.
Of course, its going to be hard for anyone, everyone, trying to lose 100+ pounds.
My husband asked if I wanted him to be my personal trainer. I told him no. I said he's not personal trainer material. His idea of "helping" is to point out that I'm eating too much, no matter what I'm eating.
Example, this morning I had toast for breakfast, and skipped lunch. We walked 2.5 miles around the park and I said I was hungry as I hadn't had lunch. He said, "What was that huge thing you ate before we left? Wasn't that lunch?"
Toast is a huge thing? Its one slice of bread!

Yep, that sucker is HUGE.
I need a support system, not a person putting me down all the time.