I'm currently watching the two episodes of the show HEAVY on A&E.
I was watching the first episode, where they spend a month at a health resort with a personal trainer. One half of the pair, Jodi, complained through every work out session, then cry that she didn't want to fail.
I was thinking, "You are exaclty where I want to me, I WISH I had a personal trainer. I could rock so hard if I had a personal trainer behind me, cheering me on. Pushing me.
That is part of why I wanted to start this blog....
I can't afford a personal trainer. I can't afford a gym membership. Heck, I can't even afford fresh fruits and veggies, just sodium packed processed foods.
Of course, its going to be hard for anyone, everyone, trying to lose 100+ pounds.
My husband asked if I wanted him to be my personal trainer. I told him no. I said he's not personal trainer material. His idea of "helping" is to point out that I'm eating too much, no matter what I'm eating.
Example, this morning I had toast for breakfast, and skipped lunch. We walked 2.5 miles around the park and I said I was hungry as I hadn't had lunch. He said, "What was that huge thing you ate before we left? Wasn't that lunch?"
Toast is a huge thing? Its one slice of bread!

Yep, that sucker is HUGE.
I need a support system, not a person putting me down all the time.

I was watching the first episode, where they spend a month at a health resort with a personal trainer. One half of the pair, Jodi, complained through every work out session, then cry that she didn't want to fail.
I was thinking, "You are exaclty where I want to me, I WISH I had a personal trainer. I could rock so hard if I had a personal trainer behind me, cheering me on. Pushing me.
That is part of why I wanted to start this blog....
I can't afford a personal trainer. I can't afford a gym membership. Heck, I can't even afford fresh fruits and veggies, just sodium packed processed foods.
Of course, its going to be hard for anyone, everyone, trying to lose 100+ pounds.
My husband asked if I wanted him to be my personal trainer. I told him no. I said he's not personal trainer material. His idea of "helping" is to point out that I'm eating too much, no matter what I'm eating.
Example, this morning I had toast for breakfast, and skipped lunch. We walked 2.5 miles around the park and I said I was hungry as I hadn't had lunch. He said, "What was that huge thing you ate before we left? Wasn't that lunch?"
Toast is a huge thing? Its one slice of bread!

Yep, that sucker is HUGE.
I need a support system, not a person putting me down all the time.

A toast is not lunch, it's just a snack! Don't starve yourself because you might feel deprive and it would cause you to eat more. wow, you are a hard worker having walked 2.5 miles.
I would suggest a balanced diet and in moderation. Keep it up!
Congrats on the 2.5 mile walk. Doing that every day will really boost the weight loss. Another boost, skip white foods (bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, sugar). It's amazing how just eliminating those things and non-diet soda will help. Check out the Protein Power Plan; I lost the most weight when I eliminiated bad carbs from my diet--it actually makes you crave them less! Now...I just gotta get back into it. Looking forward to reading your progress!
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