
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Weight Watchers

Okay, I'm giving Weight Watchers another go.

I'm not signing up in person or online, but going to try to do it on my own with the resources I have.

This morning I weighed in a 218.  I'm pretty much right back at where I started at the start of the year, and I'm angry with myself because of it.  I know what I'm doing to myself, and I know only I have the power to stop it, and I don't understand why I keep sabotaging myself.

I added up my points, and I can have 30 points a day.  That is A LOT!  Thats good though, I won't have to feel deprived.  I know the more I lose though the less points I'll get to have, and I need to find some low point things that I can stomach eating.

I'm still going to weigh myself every day, but my "Official" weigh in days are going to be on Mondays.


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